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词汇 教师博学同学互助用英语怎么说
释义 教师博学同学互助用英语怎么说

Teachers are erudite and classmates help each other




Se was erudite from childhood, good at writing and melody.───自幼博学多才, 好文辞,又精于音律.

He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.───他从来都不愚笨,而且一直是那么博学多识。

She wrote in an original and highly erudite style.───她的写作风格具原创性且十分博学。

He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.───他从来就不愚笨,而是一直博学多才、见多识广。

This is an erudite old man.───这位学识渊博的老先生,真可谓通今博古呀!

He likes to talk with erudite people.───他喜欢和学识宏达的人交往.

Any sense of prurience is relieved by Mr Kahr's prose , which is sympathetic, witty and erudite.───卡尔先生的优美文字,充满同情, 诙谐和博智, 淡化了任何淫秽的意味.

Erudite Park ( background ): academic exchanges, explore the traditional culture, leisure health and academic circles.───博学园 ( 背景 ): 学术交流 、 传统文化探讨 、 休闲养生、学术圈.

Erudite Park ( area ) of about 33000 square meters.───博学园 ( 面积 ) 大约33000平方米.

Huang Jian virtue modest, erudite macro only , good poetry, customs and history, the eighth book.───黄谏德性谦和, 博学宏才, 善诗文, 通经史, 工八分书.


He's the author of an erudite book on Scottish history.

He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.

He's erudite, enormously warm and most of all, a golfer.

Privately, Diamandopoulos, as mercurial as he is erudite, is said to have blown up at critics.

His guttural utterances are accompanied by erudite subtitles.

Among themselves, ecclesiastics have become eminently sophisticated and erudite.

"The Cunning Man" is an intricate and erudite work.

She could turn any conversation into an erudite discussion.

Amoda was an erudite man who insisted on fine distinctions.

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