

词汇 擅长长跑用英语怎么说
释义 擅长长跑用英语怎么说

Good at long distance running


擅长长───Good at growing;跑───run


So GDP is growing at reasonably good rates, although it is not booming.───所以,尽管还未到景气的程度,GDP的增长还是维持在一个不错的水准之上。

Like all the other women in Huizhou, who have been good at growing mulberries and raising silkworms since ancient times, her mother made a good profit from the sale of cocoons.───自古徽州的女人便多善于植桑养蚕,查利云的妈妈也一样,靠养蚕卖茧给家里赚来一笔不错的收入。

Indeed, Kelli Roberts, another researcher at Cornell, told the meeting that, taking all factors into account, growing switchgrass for biochar may do more harm than good.───其实,康奈尔大学的另一名研究人员克里·罗伯茨在会议上发言说,把所有因素都考虑在内,为生产生物炭而种植柳枝稷弊多利少。

He likens the country to Starbucks: good at growing quickly but not so good at creating wealth.───他将中国比作星巴克(Starbucks):擅于经济的迅速增长,但不太擅于创造财富。

Mary: I often think so. Anyway, I'm not good at growing things. But I'm good at needle work. I like to sew, to mend clothes.───我常常这么想。不管怎样,我不擅长种植。但是我的针线活做得很好。我喜欢缝纫,缝补衣服。


Though Dad is awfully good at growing green things, the Little Sprouts pine for something sweeter.

  • 擅长长跑用英语怎么说
  • ur good man
  • look for good
  • jane goodall
  • yes good
  • good you know
  • wow good
  • show good
  • Be good at
  • do a good deed
  • good wheat




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