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词汇 dead in the water
释义 dead in the water
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be dead in the water───死在水里

dip a toe in the water───把脚趾浸在水里

above the water───保持在水面

be in the wars───参战

be in the wash───受洗

dead to the world───对周围事物毫无感受,对周围事物毫无感受,对世事不闻不问的;睡得很香

dyed in the wool───adj.原毛染色的,生染的;彻底的

get in the way───妨碍,阻碍

test the water───试探,摸底


Kabaraijian stopped the boat thenand let it float dead in the water.───不久,卡巴拉健再度停下了船,他让它随波逐流.

Many geese fall dead in the water.───许多鹅跌入水中死掉了。

His leadership campaign is dead in the water.───他参加领导层竞选无望成功。

With no coal mining, Hashima was dead in the water.───了煤矿,端岛就成为了一座漂浮在水中的“死城”。

Many geese fall dead in the water.───许多野雁跌入水中死了.

A "no" vote would have left the treaty dead in the water.───一张否决票可能就会使这个条约胎死腹中。

The project is dead in the water for the time being.───这项工程眼下没一点进展.


They're saying that the democratic campaign is dead in the water just two days after its launch.

I think you should admit that the government's plans for higher education are now dead in the water.

Their election campaign now appears to be dead in the water.

So how does a government revive an economy that is dead in the water?

Brazil would be dead in the water without Mari . 26 kills and 6 blocks!

Suddenly, the much-vaunted Choosing Health strategy, with its high hopes of a healthier nation, was dead in the water.

His leadership campaign is dead in the water.

A "no" vote would have left the treaty dead in the water.

We are dead in the water, heading into a light wind and surface current.

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