一天天地,逐日; 日趋; 日益; 日渐
make my day───令我开心
play by ear───凭听觉记忆演奏
day after day───日复一日
day bed───沙发床;中式仿古家具
day beds───沙发床;中式仿古家具
day boy───走读生
They're improving day by day.───他们在一天天地改进。
his condition improved.───他的健康状况一天天好转。
Our country is thriving and prospering day by day.───祖国日益繁荣昌盛.
The market is becoming brisker day by day.───市场日趋繁荣.
The patient's condition is improving day by day.───病情逐日好转.
Day by day the situation is improving.───情况在一天天地好转.
Day by day the structure heightened.───建筑物逐日增高.
Day by day the disappointed lover peaked and pined.───这失恋的人一天天地憔悴下去.
Transportation and communications are becoming easier day by day.───交通日臻便利.
It's getting warmer day by day.───天气越来越暖和了.
Food had to be won afresh day by day.───天天都要重新获得食物.
And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.───这样的过程,每天每天都照干不误.
We will muddle through and just play it day by day.───我们会混过去的,就一天天混下去。
It is getting warmer day by day.───天气一天比一天暖和了.
Activists are increasing in number day by day.───积极分子的人数日益增加.
Day by day I am getting better and better.───我在一天天地好转。
We will muddle through and just play it day by day.───我们会应付过关的,就一天一天地演吧。
I live for the moment, day by day, not for the past.───我活在当下,过一天算一天,而不是活在过去。
We will muddle through and just play it day by day.