Cling to something
Another method of maintaining antigen persistence is through use of an adjuvant.───使用佐剂是保持抗原持续存留的另一方法.
By sheer persistence, I eventually got her to change her mind.───我全凭坚持不懈最终使她改变了主意.
His persistence gained him victory.───他的毅力使他获得了胜利.
Hibernate is an open source and lightweight level data persistence ORM tool.───Hibernate是一个开放源代码的对象关系映射工具,是一个轻量级的数据持久化工具.
However, the persistence of Japanese intervention will make for a bumpy ride down to 105.───然而, 持之不懈的干预将使得通往105的道路,坎坷不平.
Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence.───只有不断练习,有耐心有毅力,才能学会一门技艺。
Have a plan, follow it with persistence, and enjoy being where you sincerely choose to be.───制定一个计划, 坚持不懈实施, 享受自己真心做出的选择.
The persistence of a cough in his daughter puzzled him.───他女儿持续的咳嗽把他难住了.
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- persistence error
- sheer persistence
- persistence of number
- persistence off
- aboriginality as persistence english language