I like drawing very much
Neither side can draw back from the agreement once the contract is signed.───合同一旦签订,任何一方都不准反悔.
The debater was quick on the draw.───辩论者思维敏捷.
Draw out the wire until it is very thin.───把这条金属线拉得很细才行.
Can you draw the curtains apart?───请把窗帘拉开好 吗 ?
We have orders to draw off our forces.───我们已接到命令撤走军队.
True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.───真正古怪的人从不故意引人瞩目.
Draw up a scale floor plan on squared paper, marking in the door opening and windows.───在方格纸上画出成比例的楼层平面图,标出门和窗的位置。
They managed an honourable 2–2 draw.───他们奋力打成了2:2平局,值得敬佩。
The two ships draw level.───这两条船并排行驶.
The children love to draw and colour.───儿童喜欢画画和涂颜色。
They managed an honourable 22 draw.
The game ended in a draw.
Win a car in our grand prize draw!
Draw water with a sieve.
It's important to draw out a child's potential capacities.
They agreed to draw up a formal agreement.
Do you mind if I draw up the blinds?
They seem to draw down ridicule on us.
Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.
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- draw line
- draw and see
- LearndraW ng
- draw a free
- i will draw
- sketches drawings
- brewing equipment drawings
- its a draw
- drawing in
- draw a cake