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词汇 current account deficit
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current account───经常帐;[金融]活期存款帐户

current accounts───经常帐;往来帐户


budgetary deficit───[会计]预算亏绌;预算赤字

current epidemic───当前流行

cut the deficit───削减赤字

dew-point deficit───露点不足


The difference between these two figures is the US current account deficit, which equaled 3.3% of national income.───这两个数字之间的差值就是美国的经常帐户逆差,相当于国民收入的3.3%。

With investment down and saving up, the current account deficit will narrow.───随着投资减少和储蓄增加, 经常账户赤字将开始收窄.

The most important way to expand one of the credit - the U.S. current account deficit has peaked.───最主要的信贷扩张方式 之一—— 美元的经常项目赤字已经达到高峰.

Further, it a chronic current account deficit of a yawning 6 per cent of GDP.───此外, 经常账户赤字长期保持在高水平,占GDP的 比例达到6%.

The current account deficit is projected to remain at just under 10 per cent of GDP.───预计,葡萄牙经常账户赤字相对GDP的比率仍将处在略低于10%的水平上.

publication shows that on average, investment and trade trends remained steady, with a slight increase in the overall current account deficit.───报告表明,平均而言,投资和贸易保持着稳定的态势,经常帐户赤字从总体上有小幅上升。

The good news is the recent reversal of the steady climb in the current account deficit.───好消息是,稳步攀升的经常账户赤字近来出现逆转.

I 'd like to see more pro-saving policies in the US, and I think they would reduce the current account deficit.───我希望能看到美国出台更多赞成储蓄的政策,而且我认为这些政策将会缩减经常项目逆差。

Because the current account deficit equals saving minus investment, these are logical places to look.───因为经常账户赤字等于储蓄减去投资, 在这些方面去寻找原因是合乎逻辑的.

Further, it a chronic current account deficit of a 6 per cent of GDP.───此外, 经常账户赤字长期保持在高水平,占GDP的6%.

That could add to the current - account deficit and stoke inflation, which has been rising.───这样会让目前面临且呈上述趋势的财政赤字与强劲势头的通货膨胀火上浇油.

The current account deficit always changes relatively slowly.───经常帐户赤字的变化总是相对缓慢.

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