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词汇 crops up
释义 crops up
crops up发音



chops up───切细;割断

crop up───突然出现

cross up───欺骗;出卖;阻挠;打乱

props up───v.支撑;支持

crops out───突然发生;出现

scoops up───用铲子取;兜接,舀上来;抢购一空;(敏捷地)抱起来

clogs up───堵塞

cooks up───虚构,伪造

cries up───v.夸奖;推崇


But what happens when you have 100 classes and a bug crops up?───但是,当您有100个类,并且突然出现一个错误时,会发生什么呢?

If you don't anticipate what may happen, you'll find yourself at a loss when sth. crops up.───你如果没有思想准备,事到临头就会抓瞎。

This kind of problem frequently crops up.───这类问题是经常发生的。

Fuller Thompson next wants to analyze other large representative community studies to see if the link crops up in those as well.───福勒·汤普森下一个希望是对另外一个有代表性的群体研究分析看这个关系是否在他们之中出现新的状况。

Testosterone crops up in another part of the business equation, too: sales.───睾丸激素也在另一商业等式中发挥着作用:即销售。

We still plant other crops up in the hills, but we don't plant maize anymore. It's just too much work!───我们现在仍在山上种植其他植物,只是不再种玉米,因为工作量太大了!

Every year or two, another lawsuit crops up alleging that some large Wall Street firm has discriminated against women.───每隔一两年,就会突然出现一宗诉讼,控告某家大型华尔街公司歧视女性员工。

The minute it crops up, all our irritation and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.───每当它出现,我们所有的憎恨和嫉妒就会消失,取而代之的是充满阳光的情绪。

A question that often crops up in forums is how to disable su to certain users.───论坛上常常出现的一个问题是,如何对某些用户禁用su。


It's not a subject that often crops up in casual conversation.

Plain paper typesetting is a term that crops up now and again in conjunction with desktop publishing.

The Eagles' Timothy B. Schmitt also crops up on harmony vocals.

Tyree crops up throughout the novels, kidnapping errant tourists and taking them on brutal re-education treks.

Haemoglobin itself crops up in unexpected places.

There is one problem that immediately crops up here, and may be stated as follows.

For it crops up in the Rock-Drill Canto 87, in the 1950s: Only sequoias are slow enough.

If anything crops up, give me a call.

Her name crops up frequently in writings about the Renaissance.





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