

词汇 critical theory
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critical factor───关键因素;临界因素

critical phase───临界相

critical role───关键角色;关键作用

critical speed───临界速率,临界转速

critical speeds───临界速率,临界转速

critical step───关键步骤





He established humanistic critical theory on the existence of human being.───他以对人的存在、人的价值的关注为出发点,建构了他的人本主义批判理论.

A good critical theory, nevertheless, has its own kind of validity.───不过, 好的批评理论有它自己的正确性.

The second section explores Critical Theory , the theoretical foundation of the Resistance Theory.───第二部分论述了抵制理论的理论基础——法兰克福学派的批判理论.

The legitimacy of critical theory was not regarded seriously as a problem until Habermas.───直到哈贝马斯,批判理论的合法性才被认真地当作一个问题.

From this point of view, Bazin critical theory to make the film lose its montage authenticity.───从这一观点出发,巴赞批评蒙太奇理论使电影丧失了真实性。

The strategy of intervention and the role of the emancipator are strongly inspired by critical theory.───理论研究大大地激发了人为的干预政策和对释放者的扮演.

good critical theory, nevertheless, has its own kind of validity.───不过,好的批评理论有它自己的正确性。

Text sociology is the sociology critical theory that Austrian scholar Mr Pierre V? Zima puts forward.───文本社会学是奥地利学者皮埃尔·V·齐马先生提出的社会学批评理论.

Critical theory began, with the establishment of the institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany.───理论研究随着德国法兰克福社会研究院的成立而展开了.

Besides, the conception also absorbed its nutrition from the critical theory that analyzes the mankind's existence situations.───另外,批判理论对于人的存在状况的种种批判性分析也为反思型教师的理念建构提供了丰富的营养。

We should therefore be very careful in taking any level of value statement from critical theory.───因此,我们截取批判理论价值陈述的任何一个层面都必须小心.


Furthermore, critical theory departs form positivism in understanding the facts of culture in terms of a social totality.

He established humanistic critical theory on the existence of human being.

This is that critical theory offers an aesthetic evaluation of works of art.

A good critical theory, nevertheless, has its own kind of validity.

It is Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology makes us see the possibility of foreordination broken and dystopian modernity, and he also indicated a road leading to an Alternative Modernity.

Thus, the relationship of critical theory to postmodernism and poststructuralism is indeed a far more complex matter than is commonly assumed.

From this point of view, Bazin critical theory to make the film lose its montage authenticity.

Freire and Habermas share a critical theory of the dialogical and developmental subject. Meantime, both of them approach the issues of theory and practice from the perspective of metatheory.

With the effect of cultural critical theory of Frankfurt School, the scholars mainly take a skeptical, disdainful and deniable attitude to the early mass culture in China.

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