

词汇 带小数点的钱用英语怎么说
释义 带小数点的钱用英语怎么说

Money with decimal point


小数点───decimal point;钱───money


PI generated a small program can accurately swap places after the decimal point a few hundred.───生成PI的一个小程序可以精确掉小数点后几百位.

To shorten ( a number ) by dropping one or more digits after the decimal point.───通过减少小数点后位数来缩短 ( 数字 )

You know 0.6 is a decimal because there's a decimal point between the 0 and the 6.───你知道0.6是一个小数,因为在0和6之间有一个小数点.

It cannot contain any ( decimal point ), blank space or comma between digits.───它不可以有 ( 小数点 ) 、 空格或逗号在数字当中.

A waiter omitted the decimal point in the $13.09 bill.───一个侍者漏掉了那份$13.09的账单上的小数点。

If the value has no fractional part, then the decimal point is omitted.───如果值没有小数部分, 则省略小数点.

The decisive decimal point made ac the acid man decide to suicide.───决定性的小数点使刻薄之人决定自杀.

The number immediately to the left of the decimal point in the Arabic numeral system.───是啊,完整的一百一十一键键盘,包含右边的数字键和左边的方向键.


You know 0.6 is a decimal because there's a decimal point between the 0 and the 6.

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