Girl portrait
头像───head portrait;女生───girl student
Lei's work is almost combined by a group of beauty's head portrait which be like the poster often been seen.───周磊的作品近乎是一组美女荟萃而成的头像组合,头像画面很像我们通常看到的广告宣传画,所不同的是画面中没有广而告之的产品。
Is the head portrait of your QQ your own photo?───你的QQ头像是你自己的照片吗?。
Who can help me find the original one for my head portrait, thanks in advance!───请问下谁知道我头像图片的在那可以找到啊,谢谢了!
Somebody ever the head portrait family, or the child's puerile picture is made firing a few bricks are stuck on the wall.───有人曾把家人的头像,或孩子稚嫩的画作烧成几块砖贴在墙上。
And you changed your head portrait.───还有你改变了你的头像。
Two can stop and enjoy brother Laoxiang's head portrait.───两位可以停下来欣赏一下老乡大哥的头像了。
Young mother wears hot shorts and thin high-heel shoes; young maidens wear mini skirts or draggle-tails; young fashionable men wears sleeveless T-shirt printed the head portrait of Putin.
- 拍一拍我的头像用英语怎么说
- 女生头像用英语怎么说
- 人物头像用英语怎么说
- 我想换头像用英语怎么说
- 这是我的头像用英语怎么说
- 你的头像真酷用英语怎么说
- 情侣头像用英语怎么说
- 看我头像用英语怎么说
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- hot-headed definition
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