How much is the package
钱的话费───Money for the phone;套餐───Set meal
The added advantage is that the money you make is in a sense all yours, because you don't have a mortgage or bills, all I was paying for was the internet and my mobile phone.───附加的优势是在某种程度上,你赚到的钱都是你自己的,因为你没有抵押或账单,所有我需要支付的就是网络和手机的费用。
Their time and money is spent instead on cinema, concerts and video game consoles which, he said, now double as a more attractive vehicle for chatting with friends than the phone.───他们的时间和金钱都花在了电影、音乐会和视频游戏机上,他表示,视频游戏机也可用作聊天工具,其吸引力超过电话。
All I have to do in my job is answer the phone occasionally-it's money for old rope.───我的全部工作只是偶尔接个电话,这钱赚得容易极了。
- 多少钱的话费套餐用英语怎么说
- the money tree
- raised money
- enough money
- muni money market
- money Trouble
- paper money
- luacy money
- time is money
- manifesting money
- money maker