

词汇 在这一刻绽放用英语怎么说
释义 在这一刻绽放用英语怎么说

Bloom at this moment


这一刻───This moment;绽放───Blooming


Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.───这一刻全力以赴,下一刻便可占尽先机。

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.───享受此刻,此时此刻才是真正属于你的人生。

He's touring South America at this moment in time.───他此刻正在南美旅游观光。

At this moment of success I found only an unreasoning sense of futility.───在这个成功的时刻,我只能感觉到一种不理智的徒劳感。

At this moment the telescreen let out a piercing whistle.───就在这时,电幕上一声刺耳的哨音响.

Her appearance at this moment is an omen of disaster.───她在此刻出现预示着一场灾难。

At this moment his train of thought stopped abruptly.───这时他的思路忽然中断.

This is the majesty and the meaning of this moment.───这正是此时此刻之庄严及其意义所在.


I've been waiting for this moment all year long.

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

At this moment a car stopped at the house.

Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.

I had been preparing myself for this moment.

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  • 在这一刻绽放用英语怎么说
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