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Double rainbow


双彩虹───Double rainbow


Seeing a double rainbow.───看到双彩虹。

A double rainbow frames termite mounds in Australia's grasslands.───双重彩虹笼罩了澳大利亚草原上的白蚁冢。

And although it's not a double rainbow, this one is still pretty darn intense.───尽管它不是一个双彩虹,但其中仍然有着相当的难度。

Patterns in Nature: Rainbows Like a portal to wild spaces, a double rainbow hangs over the Alaska Highway in British Columbia, Canada.───彩虹在自然界的模式。像一座门口进入广阔的空间,一个双层的彩虹高挂在阿拉斯加的高速公路位于加拿大的大不列颠哥伦比亚。

North Korea's official story is that Kim Jong Il came into the world on a mythic mountaintop under a double rainbow.───朝鲜官方流传着这样一个故事:金正日来自于山岳之巅,有神祗相守,出生时两道彩虹同时显现。

A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska's Denali National Park.───两条彩虹并行投映到阿拉斯加德纳里国家公园的峡谷里。


A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska Denali National Park.

A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska's Denali National Park.

She led me to the double rainbow where virgins climb to heaven and told me to climb.

In this design, two rainbows are stacked on top of each other in a pixilated form to create an illusion of a double rainbow.

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