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词汇 common practice
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风尚; 常例; 通例


common fraction───[数]普通分数;[数]简分数

code of practice───实施规程;业务守则;执业守则

common fractions───[数]普通分数;[数]简分数

common ratio───[数]公比

common ratios───[数]公比

code of practices───实施规程;业务守则;执业守则

codes of practice───行为守则;业务法规

common partridge───普通鹧鸪

choir practice───诗歌练习


is common practice for clubs to loan out players to sides in the lower divisions.───球员借给下级球队是俱乐部的惯例。

Personality type is common practice and is a special case.───类型是常例而个性是特例.

Although using RAD during the assembly phase is a fairly common practice, many IT businesses are very specialized with only legacy systems.───尽管在组装阶段使用 RAD 是一种很常见的做法,但很多 IT 企业仅在使用遗留系统方面非常专业。

It was common practice during the period of Feudal rule.───那个在封建外面世纪可是个经常用知识的显像.

It's a common practice for young people to pay a New Year's visit to their elders.───晚辈给长辈拜年是常礼.

It was common practice for families to attend church together.───一家人一起去教堂是非常常见的事情.

It is common practice for clubs to loan out players to sides in the lower divisions.───俱乐部把球员外借给下级联赛中的球队是常例。

Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice.───综合中学常把学生按能力分班。

Practical jokes are a common practice on April Fool's Day.───恶作剧是愚人节的惯例.

The straight cash deal is a common practice followed By self - employed Businesses.───现买现卖地做生意是个体经济的常见经营方式.

It was a very common practice in those days.───在那个时候,这是一种惯例.

Master main number: too common practice division hung in there no more.───法师主号: 太常用的可以挂在练功师那里的就不多说了.

Sharing software is a common practice for both in - house and commercial software.───对于家用和商业软件来说,共享软件都是常见的.

The application of gold coating has been a common practice throughout the history of man.───应用金覆盖层在人类历史中早已是一种司空见惯的事了.

The implanting of artificial organs will be a common practice by 1986.───到1986年时,人造器官的移植将很普遍.

It is common practice that electric wires are made from copper.───通常电线是由铜制成的.

To improve one's professional skill has now become a common practice.───钻研业务已蔚然成风.


It's a common practice that changes in salary lag changes in prices.

Our common practice is to sell the buildings in which our offices are and to lease them back so as to free large sums of money.

It's common practice in many countries for pupils to repeat a year if their grades are low.

It was common practice for families to attend church together.

It was common practice for prisoners to carve objects from animal bones to pass the time.

Today it is common practice to let children choose their own topics for writing.

Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice.

It's common practice in the States to tip the hairdresser.

It is common practice for clubs to loan out players to sides in the lower divisions.

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