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come for───为某种目的而来取;向…冲来;对…进行袭击

comes from───来自;出生于

came for───存心进攻

comes of───出身于…;起源于…;由…引起

comes on───v.快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生

comes to───谈到;达到;共计

does for───毁坏;代替;对…有效

goes for───去找;被认为;主张;拥护;努力获取

comes in for───受到;接受;得到


When somebody comes for treatment I always ask them if they are on any medication.───有人来治疗时,我总是会问他们是否在服药。

In case," said her father, "Jacob comes for you at night."───以防万一,如果雅各布夜晚来找你的话。”她父亲说。

Now the time comes for focus.───现在是集中精神的时间了。

The time comes for you to repeat this wonderful legacy and once more forge a grand star-nation.───现在是时候让你们去重复这个神奇的传统了,再一次的开拓一个盛大的星际国度。

'I don't think so. If it comes for you, walk. Running or standing still attracts its attention. Tell anyone else you see. '───我可不恁地认为。如果它冲向你,步行,奔跑或者站住不动都会吸引它的注意力。把这点转告你遇到的所有人。

There's just a point, it comes for every woman, when you reach a certain age, and the skin looks wrinkly and suddenly you're miserable.───只是因为一点,每个女人都清楚,当你到了一定年龄的时候,皮肤看起来有皱纹,突然之间你会觉得很不幸。

When the time comes for the capital to withdraw from China, we set it free from the pool and allow it to leave.───等到它需要撤退的时候,我们再把它从池子里放出去让它走。

He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.───天必留他,等到万物复兴的时候,就是神从创世以来,借着圣先知的口所说的。

When the time comes for a cold compress the next day, go ahead and tea bag yourself.───当下次你需要用冰敷法消除眼袋的时候,把你的冰冻茶叶袋拿来用吧。


When the time comes for him to write his next report, Blue is forced to confront this dilemma.

When a person comes for a medical examination with an instant clinic card, the health quarantine organ and the medical and health unit are required to give him an emergency medical examination.

But when Hades, with help from Zeus, comes for Kore, then at last Demeter resists.

One day a man named Gary comes for dinner, and eventually Mom and Gary marry.

This television may be the wide-screen one which is mentioned as being in the Dursley kitchen several years later, in 1995, when the Advance Guard comes for Harry.

So take it as it comes, for the moment.

In my nighttime imaginings, sometimes help comes for me just in time.

Sheffield comes for an $ 8 haircut and conversation.

Termites and ants do it seasonally when the time comes for them to mate, disperse and set up new colonies.

  • comes from
  • comes back to life
  • comes in handy
  • comes in
  • comes just between
  • comes to
  • comes back to
  • comes for
  • comestible define
  • comes before
  • comes with
  • comes up to
  • comes back from
  • comes over




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