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词汇 come it
释义 come it
come it发音

拿出钱来; 泄密; (拳击)示弱; 卖弄


come at───攻击,袭击;达到;得到

come in───进来;到达;流行起来

come into───进入;得到

come out───出现;出版;结果是


comes at───攻击,袭击;达到;得到

comes in───进来;到达;流行起来

cane it───抓住它

come by───vt.得到;短暂拜访,顺道拜访


Come it off: tell me the truth!───别胡让了,把实话告诉我!

I don't know whether I'll be able to come; it's still in the balance.───我不知道是否能来, 现在仍然不能肯定.

I'll go the other way and come it over 'em the same way.───我走另一条路,也用同样的方法对付他们。

Has he come it?───他带钱出来了 吗 ?

Fall has come; it's getting cooler and cooler.───秋天到了, 天气变得越来越凉爽.

For peace to come, it is for them - and all of us - to live up to our responsibilities.───为了实现和平, 现在是他们 ─ ─以及我们各方 ─ ─应该履行自己职责的时候了.

If Ron, Dave and Dawn all come, it'll be like lunchtime in high school.───如果罗恩 、 大卫和阿唐都来, 那将会像我们高中时的午餐时刻了.

Then how come it was sealed up and blank?" he asked, smiling triumphantly.───那为什么它被密封上了,而且还是空白的?”他问道,得意地微笑着。

Well , if he doesn't want to come, it can't be helped.───他不愿来也就罢了.

How come it's always us left the field, holding the ball?───为什么每次都只剩我们两个人抱着球不放?

I will come it pretty well.───我会很好尽我的本分的.

Come, come! It will be over in a couple of hours.───走吧, 走吧. 再有一两个钟头就完.

Why are we here And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?───我们为什么在这里?哪里去? 以及如何来,它是那么的辛苦 呢 ?

I'll go the other way and come it over'em the same way. "───我走另一条路,也用同样的办法甩开他们. ”

Spring having come; it is getting warmer and warmer.───春天来了, 天气越来越暖和.

he doesn't want to come, it can't be helped.───他不愿来也就罢了。

How come it always seems to rain as soon as I have finished washing my car?───我一洗完汽车,天怎么老是似乎要下雨 呢 ?

An end is come, the end is come: it watcheth for thee; behold, it is come.───6结局来了, 结局来了,向你兴起. 看哪, 来到了.


In days to come it may be possible to travel beyond the Solar System.

Since the auditory cortex sits there, at birth, waiting for auditory inputs that never come, it starts receiving visual stimuli instead—in cats anyway.

How come it appeared in locations three thousand miles apart at, apparently, the exact same time?

Before I knew the best part of my life had come, it had gone... Ashleigh Brilliant 

Mercury just passed superior conjunction on April 16, but in the days to come it will bolt out to become easily visible low in the west-northwest at dusk.

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