

词汇 写信的结尾用英语怎么说
释义 写信的结尾用英语怎么说

The end of the letter


写信───write letters;结尾───ending


I write letters not for gloating.───我写信不是为了幸灾乐祸。

I will ask professor Li to write letters of recommendation for me.───我要让李教授为我写推荐信.

We write letters each Wednesday.───每星期三我们都给人写信.

He would write letters for them, carry messages, fetch clothing or books.───他帮助犯人们写信,递条子, 捎带衣物和书籍.

We can write letters. It's cheaper than calling.───我们可以写信就好, 那比打电话便宜.

At least one college has its international students write letters in the native languages of applicants.───至少有一所学校让他的国际学生用他的母语书写申请信件.

Readers write letters to the newspaper screaming that they are being duped.───读者写信给报纸,抱怨他们在受愚弄.

He tried to write letters in English.───他试着用英语写信。


Some have been moved to write letters to the editor or to the reviewer.

I find it difficult to write letters from dictation.

It was time now to begin to write letters.

Not the kind who write letters to the editor to complain about injustice.

I write letters, read novels, watch Ken paint.

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