coaxial cable───n.[电]同轴电缆
coaxial cables───同轴电缆
pay cable───收费电缆电视
to cable───至电缆
brake cable───制动拉索
Triboelectric currents are generated by charges created by friction between a conductor and an insulator, such as between the conductor and the insulation of a coax cable.───摩擦电流是由导体和绝缘体之间的摩擦引起的电荷产生的,例如同轴电缆的导线和绝缘之间。
The whip can be attached directly to the PC board via a board-mounted connector, or located nearby and connected via a coax cable.───鞭状可以直接通过一个板安装连接器连接到PC板,或位于附近,并通过同轴电缆连接。
This results in a highly optimized satellite platform offering up to 24 channels over a single coax cable when configured dynamically, and in excess of 32 channels in a static configuration.───这导致了高度优化卫星平台时动态地配置,并且在过量的32个信道中的静态配置提供多达24个信道通过单个同轴电缆。
Triboelectric currents are generated by charges created by friction between a conductor and an insulator, such as between the conductor and the insulation of a coax cable.
This antenna does not come with coax cable or vehicle mount.
AT & T lays 2000 miles of coax cable. Arthur C. Clarke proposes communications satellites.
- coax cable
- coax connectors
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