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词汇 clumps of
释义 clumps of
clumps of发音



Clumps of grass poked up through the snow.───一簇簇的草破雪而出。

I was delighted to find clumps of caltha palustris.───我很高兴地发现了一丛丛的驴蹄草。

Individual clumps of gas collapsed, and stars were born.───个别的气体团块剧烈收缩,星星出现了。

Huntington's disease is one of a number of degenerative diseases marked by clumps of malformed protein in brain cells.───亨廷顿病是一种大量的脑细胞内蛋白变质为特征的一大类疾病中的一种。

Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass.───然而鹿排出的是一颗颗的小丸,牛排出的是扁平饼状的物体,而马呢排出的是一块块的干草物。

In August, long stalks with several clumps of trumpet-like flowers suddenly appear as if by magic.───然而到了八月份,它却突然间出现,像是变魔术般长出长长的茎,茎上长出几丛喇叭状的花朵。

He was directed to another hut where a stick-thin girl, with missing clumps of hair, had the pants, scrubbed and folded, in her lap.───他被领到另一个小屋,那儿有一个枯瘦如柴的女孩,头发稀少,正把裤子搁在膝盖上擦洗、折叠。

When the clumps of ice grow too big for the wind to hold up, they fall to the ground as hail.───当气流再也无法支撑住冰团时,冰团便落向地面,成为我们所看到的冰雹。

For hundreds of kilometers around the eruption and for perhaps days or weeks, pale- gray ash would fall like clumps of snow.───喷发处方圆数百公里内,连续数天或数星期,浅灰色的火山灰会一团团像雪一样从天空飘下。


Clumps of grass poked up through the snow.

A Dig out the clumps of roots and divide them into smaller portions to replant or pot-up.

There were only a few clumps of coarse grass for the animals to eat.

Clumps of thyme had rooted themselves between the rocks.

There were big clumps of soil on his boots.

You should not see large clumps of flour in the batter.

In that sea twists and clumps of phosphorescence marked the minds of other psykers.

A useful group of iris with clumps of grassy foliage.

She was missing clumps of hair, eyelashes, eyebrows.

  • clumps of grass
  • clumps of




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