

词汇 clear away
释义 clear away
clear away发音

散去; 驱除; 消除; 收拾餐桌



clears away───清除;收拾;消失

cleared away───清除;收拾;消失


tear away───强行拉走;强迫...离开

wear away───磨损;消磨;流逝

clearing away───清除;收拾;消失

to clear away───清除

clear as day───极明显;一清二楚

blew away───吹走;驱散;留下深刻印象


The clouds soon clear away and it became quite warm.───不久乌云消散,天气也变得很暖和了.

Clear away new York agency please this awful mess!───请收拾纽约办事处这个烂摊子吧!

As usual, she helped Minnie clear away the dishes and straighten up.───嘉莉像往常一样帮助敏妮洗了碗,收拾了房间.

Clear away the dishes as soon as you finish eating.───你吃完就把盆子碟子收了.

We would become the Redeemer theto clear away all of the evil.───我们将成为从天而降的救世主,扫清一切罪恶.

Robbery at the school, cat burglar gets clear away.───学校发生窃案, 飞贼逃之夭夭.

We must clear away the dinner things.───我们必须把这些饭渣清除掉.

As usual, she helped Minnie clear away the dishes and straightened up.───她象往常一样帮明妮洗好碗碟,整顿一下衣衫.

They dangle hope in front of our eyes, then snatch it clear away.───他们在我们眼前炫示希望,然后将它一把夺走。

Please clear away the dishes when you finish eating.───你吃完后请把盘碟收拾好.

Please help your mother to clear away.───请帮你母亲把餐桌上的东西收掉.

Clear away dead or diseased plants.───清除掉枯死和染上病虫害的植物。

I'll just clear away the breakfast things.───我这就收拾早餐餐具。

We must clear away such ideas among ourselves.───我们必须消除我们中间的这些想法.

I clear away the dirty dishes.───我收拾脏的碗碟。

I have some articles to arrange and clear away.───我有些东西得清理清理.

Accelerate circulation of blood, clear away toxin and swell.───促进血液和淋巴循环, 排毒、排水、消肿.

Clear away your toys now, children!───孩子们,现在把玩具拿走!


Would you clear away the breakfast things?

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