Profit in accounting terms
The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators.───会计事务所故意毁坏文件,阻挠政府调查工作。
Manual accounting system is used only by small businesses.───手工会计系统只适用于小型企业.
Accounting and banking have changed dramatically in the light of recent developments in computers.───由于当今电子计算机的飞速发展,会计和银行业发生了急剧的变化.
There is no accounting for tastes.───趣味是说不明白的.
Much of the apparent growth in profits that occurred in the 1980s was the result of creative accounting.───20世纪80年代很多表面上的利润增长都是靠做假账做出来的。
Under the cash basis of accounting most receipts of money are revenues and most expenditures of money are expenses.───按现金收付制规定,企业收到的现金大都作为收入处理,付出的现金大都作为费用处理.
This paper makes comparative investigation between accounting standards.───二、进行了会计标准国际比较.
But full cost accounting will be introduced without delay.───但是,全面成本核算马上将被采用。
The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.───这场讨论围绕具体的会计技巧。
There's an accounting error in this entry.───这笔账目里有差错.
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- accounting software
- liabilities definition accounting
- accounting vouchers
- accounting cycle
- inflation accounting
- encumbrance accounting
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