

词汇 checked out
释义 checked out
checked out发音



chucked out───赶走;扔掉

chalked out───v.用粉笔画出;制图;计划

cheaped out───廉价的

check out───检验;结账离开;通过考核;盖章;登记并借出

checked off───核对;经查对无误而在…上作记号;扣除

checked up───检查;核对

checks out───检验;结账离开;通过考核;盖章;登记并借出


They packed and checked out of the hotel.───他们收拾好行李,退了旅馆的房。

The book has been checked out in your name.───这本书已用你的名字从图书馆借出。

No books can be checked out after 6 p.m. tomorrow.───明天下午6点以后图书不可以借出。

One strong sign that you've checked out of your own life: Friends are always saying, "I just told you that. "───这一强烈迹象已在你的生活中得到验证:朋友们总是这样说:“我提醒过你。”

He said he checked out the PDF file of the report and it does not contain viruses or other malware.───他还提到,他已经扫描过该报告的PDF文件,里面并没有病毒或其他恶意软件。

'I've checked out the facts, what you've said before about the date seems to be incorrect. '───我查看了一下相关资料,你之前所说的有关日期的情况似乎不正确。

If the Check Out command is not available, the file may already be checked out to you or to someone else.───如果“签出”命令不可用,则表示该文件可能已经由您或其他用户签出。

The only thing I was a little annoyed about was the fact that we had to pay to keep our bags in a room when we checked out.───唯一的事,使我有点烦恼,这是事实,我们结账离开的时候,还得去付存包费。

If you are going to be on the road, have your car checked out by a mechanic before you leave, even if you think it's not necessary.───如果您必须驾车出门,出发前一定请机械师全面检查您的汽车,无论您是否认为汽车需要检查。


They checked out all the goods in the store.

The book has been checked out in your name.

The trainees checked out all right.

They checked out ten minutes ago.

Police have checked out his story.

The cashier checked out the groceries.

They packed and checked out of the hotel.

I checked out a book from the library.

I checked out three books from the library.

  • checked out
  • checked exception
  • checked into
  • checked off
  • checked check




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