章节标题,回目; 篇目
chapter head───章首
chapter heads───章节标题
chapter ring───章环
chapter rings───章响了
A rough chapter heading for every chapter (you can tweak this later).───给每章起个大致的章节名(你可以日后再精雕细琢)。
If you are not sure what you want to learn, go through and turn every chapter heading, section title, etc. into a question.───如果你不确定自己想从阅读中学到些什么,浏览一遍文本,然后把每个章节的抬头、每个阅读部分的标题等都转化成一个问题。
Section: a part or chapter in a book, a section in a chapter, or essentially anything that has its own heading in HTML 4.───section:这可以是书中的一章或一节,实际上可以是在HTML 4中有自己的标题的任何东西。
What I produced there at the final term as a formula, can be taken as a pause, a chapter heading or conclusion as you wish.───我在那里所介绍的,最后作为公式的术语,可以被用来当著是一个停顿,一个章节,开头或是结论,悉听尊便。
In the Chapter starts with style list, select the heading style that was applied to the chapter heading.───在“章节起始样式”列表中,选择应用于章节标题的标题样式。
Select the first chapter heading in your document.───选择文档中的第一个章节标题。
For example, you can expand the chapter heading regular expression to return more than just chapter headings.───例如,可以扩展章节标题正则表达式,以返回比章标题范围更广的匹配项。
He folded back a page at random and read the chapter heading.
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