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词汇 above there
释义 above there
above there发音



over there───adv.在那里

above the line───线上项目;一般标准以上

above the law───凌驾于法律之上的

above stairs───n.主卧房;楼上房间;adj.在楼上的;adv.在楼上

above the water───保持在水面


above board───adv.光明正大地;诚实地

above par───在标准以上;超过票面价值

all there───头脑清醒的;机敏的


You have a block here and then you have something above there floating in mid air.───你在这里放一个木块,让某物漂浮在木块之上。

As described above there are a fair number of steps required to secure specific portal pages.───正如前面所描述的,保护特定门户页面需要的步骤不少。

Up above there were lines strung from window to window, loaded with laundry.───上面一排排窗户上凉着衣服。

Reported years of red flowers are so red, so bright, looking very comfortable, but it flowers like the leaves above, there are provisions.───报年红的花是那么红,那么鲜艳,看着非常舒服,不过它的花像叶子,上面也有条文。

There was a suit of armor near the kitchens, he knew, but he must be five floors above there.───他知道厨房附近有一套盔甲,但他现在肯定要比厨房高出五层啊。

Looking at the comments above, there seems to be defense coming from well-known companies.───看到上面的评论,似有为知名企业家辩护的味道。

As I mentioned above, there are a million possible reasons why that person did not respond to you.───正如在上面所讲有一万个理由为什么那个人不给你回应。

At the bottom are curling waves and above there are nine dragons playing in the clouds. Around the edge are interlocking lotus flowers.───在底部是翻卷的波浪,在上面是九条龙在天空中嬉戏,周围边缘用荷花联接。

Up above there was the extraordinary sight of a snake of people, each wearing a headlamp, illuminating the path before them.───抬头望去,山道上是蛇形的人群,每个人头上都有一盏头灯照亮自己前面的道路,景象非同寻常。


Far above there was a skylight of stained glass, its reds and yellows on fire with sunlight.

Given the standard revenue account above there are two further issues which this objective versus subjective classification introduces.

As noted above, there can be exceptions to the vertical aggregate supply curve when changes are unanticipated.

As mentioned above, there were three important strands: the Salafiyyists, the Djazara'a group and the Afghanistes.

In addition, as argued above, there are great difficulties in assessing the performance of public enterprises.

As we saw above, there are limitations with the rational model as a method of solving problems.

Here, like to many other ancient sites mentioned above, there is a provocative stillness.

As mentioned above, there is a service charge.

As stated above, there are close parallels here with anti-racist work in education.

  • above to
  • above measure
  • above therim
  • above the water
  • above deck ship
  • above the line
  • above there
  • above board
  • above suspicion




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