

词汇 carry disease
释义 carry disease
carry disease发音



parrot disease───鹦鹉病

cause disease───导致疾病

rare disease───罕见病

Marburg disease───马尔堡病;绿猴病

parrot diseases───鹦鹉病

deadly disease───致命疾病,膏盲病

borna disease───博纳病;包那病

cure diseases───治好疾病

fatal disease───绝症;不治之症


Flood waters carry disease bacteria.───洪水中有致病细菌。

The common housefly is unwelcome around food because flies can carry disease-causing germs.───家蝇在食物周围飞,是令人讨厌的,因为它携带了致病的微生物。

Water was thought to carry disease into the skin; pores nicely clogged with dirt were a means to block it out.───水被认为会携带疾病侵入皮肤;毛孔让污垢好好的堵住被认为可以将疾病拒之门外。

predicted that temperature increases there will spread insects like ticks and mosquitoes farther north . These insects can carry disease .───上个月,加拿大研究者预报温度升高将会使虱子和蚊子这类虫子在更北边传播。这些虫子会携带疾病。

A. Cockroaches certainly carry disease organisms and filth from place to place, and their leavings can trigger asthma attacks.───蟑螂确实从一个地方携带疾病生物体和污物到另一个地方,它们的身体残渣能导致哮喘发作。

We continually wage war on them, for they contaminate our food, carry disease or devour our crops.───人类不断同昆虫斗争,因为昆虫弄脏我们的食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。


A. Cockroaches certainly carry disease organisms and filth from place to place, and their leavings can trigger asthma attacks.

Birds and monkeys can carry disease.

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  • carry away with the idea




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