

词汇 called back
释义 called back
called back发音



召唤(call back的过去式和过去分词)


call back───vi.回电;收回

calls back───vi.回电;收回

fallen back───退却,后退;回落

pulled back───拉回;撤回;拉为平手;反悔

rolled back───击退;把…压低到标准水平

scaled back───相应缩减;按比例缩减

tailed back───向后延伸

talked back───顶嘴;反驳

calling back───vi.回电;收回


The singer was called back three times.───那个歌手被喝采声叫到幕前谢幕三次.

He was called back to take bow after bow.───他一再出来谢幕.

The ambassador was called back to London by the prime minister.───大使被首相召回伦敦。

Some exercises need to be trained through a process called back - chaining .───一些训练需要以“ 倒序 ”的方式训练.

The ambassador was called back to London by the Prime Minister.───大使被首相召回伦敦.

The man called from the other side of the river, and his friend called back.───那个男的隔着河喊他的朋友, 他的朋友也回喊.

She called back her scattered maidens, chiding their alarm.───她把受惊的少女们召唤回来, 对她们的惊惶之状加以指责.

this is called back scattering.───这叫做背散射。

The sight of her native place called back her childhood.───见到自己的故乡,她想起了童年的情景.

He called back as he began his ascent.───他一边往上爬,一边回头说.

The runners were called back because one of them beat the pistol.───赛跑运动员们被叫回来,因为他们中有一人抢跑了.

Finally, if I was lucky, they called back and approved the repair.───最后, 如果幸运的话, 他们会打电话来,批准维修.

The sight of his native place called back his childhood.───见到自己的故乡,他想起了童年的情景.

They called back their exiles and prepared for resistance.───他们召回流亡在外的人,准备抵抗.

I recently called back the barber, Dino Ditizii, who has been working there since 1962.───最近我打电话给理发师蒂提兹(Dino Ditizii), 他从1962年起就在那里工作。

He called back to her.───他转身叫她。

The procedure for solving the Eqs is called back substitution.───解方程组的这一步骤叫回代.

The salesman called back at the houses he missed.───这个推销员对漏了的人家再一一拜访.


We started to walk off but were called back by the police officer.

Three people were called back for a second interview.

He called back to her.

Carol called him again and he called back that he wouldn't be long.

Time past cannot be called back again. 

The ambassador was called back to London by the prime minister.

I waited a little while before I called back.

Within seconds, Bev called back.

The ambassador was called back to London by the Prime Minister.

  • called trunk
  • called off
  • called ride
  • called out
  • called of
  • called around
  • called from




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