boy toy───男孩玩具
toy car───[轻]玩具车
body mass───体质量;体重
body mike───随身话筒
bogey man───n.可怕的人或物;妖怪(等于bogyman)
bogey men───是的,但是
Vardi, who was close to Ms. Salzman, said that as a boy Mr. Abas was an extremely lyrical player of unusual emotional maturity, rather than a technical whiz.───迪先生说,作为孩子拉阿巴斯先生是一位非常热情的演奏者,具有不同凡响的情感,绝不仅仅是一台技巧机器。
Mr Mugabe was shy, sensitive and bookish, apparently without friends.───穆加贝害羞、敏感,而且一副书呆子气,因此交不到朋友也就不足为怪了。
Which boy, Mr. May?───哪个男孩,梅先生?
As a boy, Mr. Persson would accompany his father and grandfather, the company's founder, on business trips and to the office.───佩尔森的祖父是公司创始人。小时候,佩尔森会陪父亲和祖父出差以及去办公室。
As a boy, Mr. Abdulmutallab attended the British International School in Lome, Togo.───阿卜杜勒-穆塔拉童年时曾就读于多哥洛梅的英国国际学校。
As a boy, Mr Wong recycled bottles after school to supplement the income of his farming family.───作为一个男孩,黄回收瓶放学后,以补充他的农民家庭收入。
"We cannot be threatened, mama's boy, " Mr. Gindy wrote in a Twitter message.───“我们不会被吓倒的,妈妈的乖儿子,”金迪在一条Twitter信息中写道。
Curiously for a short boy, Mr Fujimoto said Jong-woon's real passion was basketball.───令人好奇的是,这个身材矮小的男孩子真正的爱好是打篮球。
Not being a fair-haired boy, Mr. Wong never gets pay - raises and promotions.───(王先生不得宠,从未得到加薪和升级。)有时也可用复数。
Not being a fair-haired boy, Mr. Wong never gets pay-raises and promotions.
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