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词汇 bits and pieces
释义 bits and pieces
bits and pieces发音


n.零碎; 星星点点


airs and graces───做作;装腔作势

bib and braces───n.背带工装裤

bits and bobs───零碎的东西(非正式)

piano pieces───钢琴小品

pitching pieces───投手

pins and needles───如坐针毡;焦躁不安;手脚发麻

bilge pieces───舭龙骨;消摇龙骨


cane pieces───藤条


Put all the bits and pieces in the box; don't leave them lying about.───把所有零碎东西放在盒子里: 别扔得到处都是.

I always have a lot of bits and pieces in my coat pocket.───我的大衣口袋里总是装着零七八碎的东西.

From bits and pieces of everyday life, he started collecting stories to use as lyrics.───他开始蒐集生活中的点点滴滴, 将这些故事化为歌词.

That's reaI funny, bits and pieces of me raining down in the street!───真好笑, 我会被炸成碎片、曝尸街头!

Over the past few years they have been working on the various bits and pieces needed.───过去的几年中,他们在各式各样的字节和片断中工作.

Bits and pieces of the past raced through her mind.───往昔的点点滴滴涌上她的心头。

Let me get my bits and pieces together.───让我把零散的东西收拾一下.

Those bits and pieces are taking a lot more space and time than you think.───那些小毛小病占有的你的时间多少与空间大小比你想象的多得多.

I must look out some bits and pieces for the church jumble sale.───我得找些零碎东西捐给教堂作义卖.

She made up a good lunch from bits and pieces.───她东拼西凑,弄出了一餐很不错的午饭来.

This is the information that I have gathered in bits and pieces from various sources.───所有的这些资料都是我在不同的地方所搜集到的.

I saw her gathering up her bits and pieces for the move to the cabin.───我看见她正在收拾一些零碎的东西,准备搬到小木屋里去.

I make it from some bits and pieces I found in the shed.───我用在木房里找到的零星碎片做成了这玩意儿.

We have used up most of the cloth , and all we have left is a few bits and pieces.───布大部分用完了, 只剩下一些零头.

She stuffed all her bits and pieces into a bag and left.───她把她零零碎碎的东西都塞进了一只包里就走了。

Games that use assembly language use it in bits and pieces where it can improve performance.───游戏使用汇编主要是使用它那些能提高性能的零零碎碎的部分.

I began listening to the tapes and transcribing bits and pieces of them.───我开始听磁带和抄录少许他们的部分.

I overheard bits and pieces of their conversation even though the door was closed.───尽管门关着,我还是偷听到他们交谈的片言只语.

This Japanese factory always buy's leftover bits , and pieces to produce its products.───这家日本工厂总是购买下脚料来进行生产.

She overheard bits and pieces of their conversation.───她偷听到他们谈话的一些只言片语.

Our substantial recovery of waste metals, waste plastics film, bits and pieces.───我公司大量回收废旧金属 、 废旧塑料薄膜, 边角料.

The drawers are full of bits and pieces of armour.───抽屉里满是零零碎碎的盔甲片。

Think about the costs of those bits and pieces you buy on impulse.───想想那些因一时冲动而买的零碎小东西.

Children learn to speak in bits and pieces.───儿童以只言片语开始学习说话.

Like a newspaper, it has all sorts of bits and pieces combined into one package.───与报纸一样, 雅虎把各种各样的信息集合在一起,形成一个包裹.

I stuffed the bits and pieces into the drawer.───我把零碎东西塞进了抽屉.

The thief made a confession in bits and pieces.───窃贼吞吞吐吐作了招供.

And that meant reading the main pages and skipping all the other bits and pieces.───对我来说,读一本书最紧要的是只读必须读的部份,不多不少.

He rewound the tape and replayed a few bits and pieces.───他倒好磁带,又播放了几小段录音.

pieces of things he'd read and heard were coming together, and he began to understand.───他把读到和听到的片段综合起来,便逐渐明白了。


He rewound the tape and replayed a few bits and pieces.

I must look out some bits and pieces for the church jumble sale.

Let me get all my bits and pieces together.

I just need to get a few bits and pieces at the supermarket.

Bits and pieces of things he'd read and heard were coming together,( and he began to understand.

My mother has some bits and pieces to give you.

I always have a lot of bits and pieces in my coat pocket.

Get our bits and pieces together. The taxi is coming.

Bits and pieces of the past raced through her mind.

  • bits and bobs




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