

词汇 washing powder
释义 washing powder
washing powder发音




washing powders───n.洗衣粉;保湿洁面粉

blasting powder───爆破炸药

baking powder───n.[食品]发酵粉

dusting powder───撒粉于胶上;隔离剂

itching powder───止痒粉

washing over───v.溅泼

worming powder───虫草粉

blasting powders───火药

bleaching powder───漂白粉;含氯石灰


We provide all kinds of exported toilet soap, toothpaste, washing powder, welcome discuss cooperation details!───本公司长期供应各种出口型香皂, 牙膏, 洗衣粉, 欢迎洽谈合作细节! 谢谢!

They are planning a big promotion for their new washing powder.



They're planning a big promotion for their new washing powder.───他们正筹划举办一次新型洗衣粉的大促销行动.

How much washing powder does he have?───他有多少洗衣粉?

is usually economical to buy washing powder in large quantities.───大量购买洗衣粉通常要省钱些。

Dissolve the washing powder in hot water before adding the clothes.───在放入衣服前先将洗衣粉溶解在热水中。

For things like shampoo, soap or washing powder, buy the family pack.───洗发水, 香皂或洗衣粉之类的东西, 买家庭装.

Papain's other usage includes papain wash, washing powder and hand wash etc.───还可制成木瓜洗涤剂 、 洗衣粉、洗手液等洗涤制品.

Will the special washing powder take this nasty mark out of the tablecloth?───这种特制洗涤粉能除掉桌布上这难看的污迹 吗 ?

Technology of washing powder production in large scale.───洗衣粉的规模化生产技术。

His own schoolbag is a four hundred grams of washing powder plastic package bag.───他自己的书包是一个四百克洗衣粉塑料包装袋.

Excuse me, madam, but could you tell me what you think of the washing powder?───打扰一下, 太太, 你能告诉我您觉得这种洗衣粉怎么样 吗 ?

There's a nasty mark on the tablecloth, and I don't think the usual washing powder will take it out.───桌布上有一块污迹, 我想用普通洗衣粉是洗不掉的.

The washing powder don't have bubble.───这洗衣粉没有泡沫.

In daily life, we come across many types of enzymes , eg. meat tenderizer, washing powder, etc.───在日常生活中, 我们有很多机会利用:例如:松肉粉, 某些洗衣粉.

Using for rationed packing of particle andpowder materials such as washing powder, salt, seds, sugar, etc.───用于洗衣粉 、 食盐, 味精 、 白糖等颗粒、粉状物料的定量包装.

How well do you think this washing powder up against your usual brand?───这种洗衣粉跟你常用的那种比 怎么样 ?

Grain or granule, like coffee, sugar, salt , beans, washing powder, etc.───砂糖, 食盐, 咖啡, 乾燥剂, 洗衣粉, 豆类等.

I'd like a bar of soap and a bag of washing powder.───我想要一块肥皂和一袋洗衣粉.

He have not get any washing powder.───他没有洗衣粉.

Would you mind my recommending this washing powder?───我给您推荐这种洗衣粉.

We have changed the formula of the washing powder.───我们已改变了洗衣粉的配方.

Washing powder contain enzymes is said to remove stain more efficiently.───据说含有人造酶的洗衣粉去污力强.

How well do you think this washing powder stacks up against your usual brand?───这种洗衣粉跟你常用的那种比怎麽样?

A guy who washing powder was telling us story based marketing worked better!───一个销售洗衣粉的小伙子正在告诉我们以讲故事为基础的销售方法更为有效!

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