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词汇 walk out on
释义 walk out on
walk out on发音


离开[抛弃,遗弃](某人或某物); <非正>推卸责任; 未履行诺言; 离开以示反对(某人或某事)


talk out of───v.说服某人不做某事

talks out of───v.说服某人不做某事

back out of───收回(诺言等);食言,背信

hold out on───保守秘密;隐匿

ran out on───遗弃

take out on───拿…出气;对…发泄

took out on───拿…出气;对…发泄

walk in on───撞见;不期而遇;突然进来

walk out───走出;罢工;退席;把(某人)领出


It is hard to negotiate with a fellow lawmaker if the next minute you walk out on the steps and call [him] a weasel.───如果你刚一走出楼梯就称他为黄鼠狼(双关语:狡猾的人),那你很难跟立法者同事进行谈判。

I can't afford to walk out on my job.───我可承担不起因为反对而离开这份工作的代价.

I never walk out on a job half done.───我做工作从不半途而废。

Why did she walk out on a movie career which was paying her heavy money?───你为什么脱离她那赚大钱的电影天涯 呢 ?

I'll show him what it means to walk out on his family.───我会让他看看抛弃家庭意味着什么.

Of course I wouldn't walk out on you and the children.───我当然不会抛弃你和孩子们.

I should have punch - in clock before I walk out on - stage.───有时候我觉得在我走上舞台之前.

Sometimes I feeln as though I should have a punch - in clock before I walk out on - stage.───□□有时候我似乎应当在出场之前有台打卡机.

Do you want to walk with me and live, or walk out on me and die?───你是想和我一起走并生存, 还是走出去死?

How could she walk out on her kids?───她怎么能遗弃自己的孩子呢?

You can't walk out on me. I really need your help.───你不能丢下我不管. 我真的需要你的帮助.

You can't walk out on the contract, or you could be taken to court.───你不可违反合同, 否则你会被起诉.


The workers threatened to walk out on Monday morning.

'I never walk out on a deal,' Dee said.

How could she walk out on her kids?

Never did he walk out on the contract.

I never walk out on a job half done.

The director told them not to walk out on the chairman.

It's quite something to walk out on stage in front of 20,000 people.

You can't walk out on the contract, or you could be taken to court.

You can't walk out on your wife and children.

  • walk alonminsuprene
  • walking stick
  • walking up
  • walked by
  • walk tall
  • walk up and down
  • walking pace
  • walk star
  • walk master
  • walk past
  • walkie talkie
  • walk by
  • walk around
  • walk then
  • walk out without a word
  • walked off
  • walked through
  • walk fast
  • walked down
  • walks swept
  • walking onahole




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