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词汇 trotted out
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blotted out───完全清除(思想、记忆等);遮盖

rooted out───根除;连根拔起;发现

trotting out───提出…供考虑;炫耀;外出散步

booted out───解雇;撵走;逐出

bottled out───装瓶

butted out───不必多嘴;别管闲事

cropped out───突然发生;出现

crossed out───划掉

crowded out───挤得满满的


He trotted out an excuse for being late.───他随口编了一个迟到的借口。

He trotted out the horse for the buyer to watch.───他让那匹马跑给买主看看。

They trotted out the same old excuses for the lack of jobs in the area.───他们又用那老一套的借口解释这个地区缺少就业机会的问题。

He trotted out a most plausible story, but most of us were inclined to doubt the truth of it.───他提出了一个听起来很有道理的说法,但我们大多数人对此都持怀疑态度。

DEBUNKING: This is often trotted out to explain the high toll of AIDS in Africa.───解析:这一条经常被用来解释为何非洲艾滋病发病率较高。

The example that is often trotted out is from Beowulf where the kenning "whale road" is used to mean the sea.───一个被反复提及的例子出现在《贝奥武甫》里,书中用“鲸鱼之路”来借代海洋。

When you hear these lines trotted out, I want you to do me a favour. I want you to think of a public toilet.───当你们听到这些溢美之词时,我希望你们帮我一个忙——想想一个公共厕所。

These famous flops are reduced to punch lines, or trotted out as cautionary tales in boardrooms and business schools across the country.───而这些出名的失败品被写成警句,张贴在全国范围内的会议室和商学院内,以给我们作为警示故事。

Once again, the phrase "sick man of Europe" is trotted out.───又一次,欧洲病夫的称号落到英国的头上。


He trotted out his best china.

He trotted out an excuse for being late.

Steve trotted out the same old excuses.

They trotted out the same old excuses for the lack of jobs in the area.

She trotted out the old cliche that 'a trouble shared is a trouble halved.'

The student trotted out his knowledge.

I was trotted out at these wretched award banquets like the March of Dimes child.

He trotted out the horse for the buyer to watch.

Instantly alert, we trotted out after our bailiff and sensed the envy of those left to wait.





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