to premove───向后移动到预移动
to probate───遗嘱检验
to promise───承诺
to promo───宣传
to prompt───提示
to pronate───旋前
to propone───对propone
The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist's career.───经纪人应以最大的努力来推动其演艺人的事业发展。
We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.───我们需要促进思想和信息的公开交流。
Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?───通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?
These creative graphics make it easy for you to promote Green Map System on your website.───这些有创意的图形使你在网站上升级绿色地图系统变得简单。
But I think I was one of the first autistic people to promote the idea that autistic people can and should speak up for ourselves.───但是,我认为我是最先倡导孤独症患者可以而且能够为自己说话的患者之一。
I felt as if my energy was being used to promote proper bodily functions, instead of being suppressed by my digestive system.───就像我的身体能量正在促进身体的正常机能,而不是像过去被用于消化系统。
One way to promote integration is to let the children of immigrants attend Singapore schools.───让移民的孩子到我们的学校就读,就是促进融合的有效方法。
So, you know, interfering in nature, no, not really. And trying to promote the better life of animals in captivity? Yes.───所以说,呃,我不是在干预自然。我是在设法提高圈养动物的生活水平。
Just a few billionaires getting together for drinks and dinner and a friendly chat about how to promote charitable giving.───只是一些亿万富翁在一起聚聚餐,友好地交流一下如何促进慈善捐助罢了。
The association works to promote the status of retired people as useful members of the community.
An industrial estate will help to promote the business of that city.
You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.
We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.
Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?
He was in town to promote his new books.
We need to do more to promote good race relations.
The government should do more to promote sustainable agriculture.
a meeting to promote trade between Taiwan and the U.K.
- told you so
- tortoise and the hare
- to put on
- tome unlocks
- to step up to the bar
- to the left of
- too close
- to mr
- to big box
- took effect
- to travel
- to may baby
- tower of strength
- to the west of
- to approve
- to want me
- took shape
- tolerated cld
- to sue
- to get him
- to say happy