

词汇 The mess
释义 The mess
The mess发音



the press───报刊(总称);新闻界

the Dems───民主党

the Fens───沼泽地

the West───西方世界(美国与西欧);西部

the bass───贝司

the best───最好的

the most───最…


She looked despairingly at the mess.───她一看这乱糟糟的样子,心就凉了。

monitor tried to make up for the mess by reorganizing the class event as students were not interested in the original one.───班长试图通过重新组织活动来弥补混乱,因为学生们对原来的活动不感兴趣。

And muggins here had to clean up all the mess.───而我这个傻瓜现在不得不清理这个烂摊子。

Beloved if this goal had already been reached, there would be no earth and there would be not the mess of the human dream that you know.───至爱的,如果这个目标已经达到,就不会有地球,也不会有你们所知道的人类梦想中的这一切混乱。

He saw Spitz run out his scarlet tongue in a way he had of laughing; and he saw Francois, swinging an axe, spring into the mess of dogs.───他看见Spitz吐着猩红色的舌头,一如他狂吠时那样,还看见Francois挥舞着斧头冲向那群狗。

Somehow, I had found a way to let myself out of the mess. And I made it home.───从某种程度上说,我总算找到了一种让自己人混乱中解脱出来的办法。那就是呆在家里。

But, if the attempt to tame China goes horribly awry , make sure America is still around to help sort out the mess.───不过,如果驯化中国的企图走上歧途,要确保美国仍在附近,以帮助清理混乱的局面。

None of that excuses the mess it has made of its banking system.───地中海国家没有一个原谅这种银行体系制造的混乱。

One day, however, the bottle tipped over and she released her grip on the dog for just a moment to wipe up the mess.───然而有一天,因为瓶子倾斜,使得液体流到地面,她只好先把狗放开,准备清理地面。


She'll do her nut when she sees the mess.

Look at the mess.

A waiter mopped up the mess as best he could.

He never got too bothered about the mess.

Please disregard the mess and sit right here.

It doesn't matter about the mess.

He looked at the mess and smiled weakly.

I was left to straighten out the mess.

Look at the mess you've made!

  • The B
  • The mess
  • The mass
  • The show
  • The rest of life
  • Then selince
  • The Cup Of Life
  • The Mist
  • The pigs go
  • The good side
  • The Show Run
  • The Taipan
  • They are grey
  • The Sky
  • The cows go
  • They are busy
  • The cats go
  • Theman safarmer
  • The Parting
  • The mirror
  • There is no




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