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词汇 the alamo
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the Alamo───n.阿拉莫之战;烈血英雄

the slam───大满贯

the slams───猛击

the Galaxy───天河,银河系

the Klan───三K党

the Lamb───天使与羔羊(歌曲名)

the Ram───白羊座


The Alamo is now preserved by Texas as a state park.───现在阿拉摩被德州人保存下来作为州立公园.

After that he left for Texas and the Battle of the Alamo.───在那之后,他就前往德州,参加了“阿拉摩之役”.

The defense of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men.───白杨保卫战是英雄们的壮举.

The walls of the Alamo were thick.───阿拉摩的城墙本来很厚.

The Battle of the Alamo was the battle for Texas'independence from Mexico.───“阿拉摩之役”就是德州争取脱离墨西哥的独立之战.

Shouting "Remember the Alamo!"───高呼着“铭记阿拉莫!”

Fortunately, he died nobly at the Alamo , fighting for Texan independence, and thus secured immortality.───幸而他在得克萨斯争取独立的战争里在阿拉莫英勇战死, 因而获得不朽.

The Alamo was the first defense against the Mexicans.───阿拉摩之役是抵抗墨西哥人的首次防卫战.

San Antonio has River Walk and the Alamo.───大峡谷、石公园等,我从小就向往的地方,小葱头也开始憧憬.

Have you ever heard about the Battle of the Alamo?───你听过“阿拉摩之役” 吗 ?

The Texas forces withdrew to an old Spanish mission church called the Alamo.───德克·萨斯的军队撤到了一座古老的西班牙大教堂,这座大教堂叫阿拉莫。

The defenders were in a fort, the Alamo.───该守军都待在一座名叫“阿拉摩”的堡垒内.

The letter from the Alamo closed with the words: "Victory or Death."───这封信最后写到:“要么胜利,要么死亡!”


The walls of the Alamo were thick.

In this famous Battle of the Alamo 183 Americans were killed.

The defense of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men.

The defenders were in a fort, the Alamo.

The Alamo was the first defense against the Mexicans.

Americans remember the Alamo as a heroic episode, though the war for Texas was a land grab by gringo interlopers.

San Antonio has River Walk and the Alamo.

Fortunately, he died nobly at the Alamo , fighting for Texan independence, and thus secured immortality.

In the Alamo Rent-A-Car case, Bilan Nur, a 22-year-old immigrant from Somalia, was fired in December 2001 for refusing to remove the head scarf she wore during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

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