

词汇 suffer pain
释义 suffer pain
suffer pain发音



suffer badly───痛苦不堪

suffer failure───遭受失败


suffer from───忍受,遭受;患…病;受…之苦



suffer hardship───受苦

suffer ignominy───受辱

suffer whiplash───遭受鞭打


I'm pleased that you didn't suffer pain while you were ill.───我很高兴你生病的时候没受多少痛苦。

I suffer pain when my teeth are exposed to heat.───我的牙碰到热时感到疼痛.

Using brain - imaging techniques , they compared how men and women reacted when watching other people suffer pain.───科学家们利用脑电波成像技术比较男性和女性在看到别人受苦时的脑部反应.

As doctors, how can we have the heart to watch patients suffer pain and do nothing?───我们作大夫的难道忍心看着病人受痛苦 吗 ?

The honest man take pain, and then enjoy pleasure ; the knave take pleasure, and then suffer pain.───君子先苦后甜; 人小先甜后苦.

But she that taught me love and suffer pain.───可是她教过我爱,教我忍受苦痛。

Preterm and term neonates often suffer pain from procedures during their hospitalization.───摘要早产儿和新生儿在住院期间常需接受一些疼痛的处置.

Do you suffer pain with cold or heat?───遇冷或遇热痛 吗 ?


For it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all one's life. Aeschylus 

Preterm and term neonates often suffer pain from procedures during their hospitalization.

The honest man take pain, and then enjoy pleasure ; the knave take pleasure, and then suffer pain.

Two people may suffer pain from the same apparent origin; and yet their pain will not yield to the same analgesic.

As doctors, how can we have the heart to watch patients suffer pain and do nothing?

  • suffered through
  • suffer synonym
  • suffers band
  • suffers long
  • suffer pain
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  • suffers noun
  • suffer for




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