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词汇 stuck around
释义 stuck around
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stick around───v.逗留;在附近徘徊

sticks around───v.逗留;在附近徘徊

fuck around───吊儿郎当;戏弄

muck around───到处乱扔垃圾

dick around───游手好闲

fucks around───吊儿郎当;戏弄

hack around───闲逛;虚度光阴

kick around───粗暴而轻率地对待;从各个角度考虑;流浪

knock around───闲逛


Despite this, the people stuck around and, amazingly, continued to grow their crops.───尽管如此,人们还继续在附近“打游击”,继续种植玉米,精神可嘉。

seaweed a staple in the Japanese diet, the genes stuck around.───紫菜又是日式料理的必需品,基因就这么留下来了。

he stuck around when other Banks retreated from the junk market during the early 1980s recession.───年初经济萧条刚来时,其他银行纷纷退出垃圾市场之际,他却丝毫无退兵之意。

Some of the newly unemployed have stuck around (and a few have started a new industry: street crime).───大量民工已经返回,其中一些没被雇佣的已经在附近找到了落脚处(一部分开始了新营生:街头犯罪);

The aforementioned points always stuck around when I saw him play and obstructed my sense to cheer him on.───上述的几个缺点总是反复出现,以至于没有信心为他加油!

They either left them or stuck around and taught them the wrong things. you know.───父母不是离开便是守在子女旁,教些错误的东西;

I stuck around to see how long it would take, but they went on and on about it forever so I finally gave up and left.───我在他们附近转来转去想看看他们要为此讨论多久,但最终他们漫长而毫无结果的讨论让我放弃了这个想法。

Even though you have used a tissue paper, food particles remain stuck around the corner of your nails.───虽然你有面巾纸,但食物的残渣依然会藏在你指甲缝里。

he stuck around for the events that followed, and was aboard Jabba's sail barge when it was destroyed.───阿迪斯亲历了随后发生的一系列事件,贾巴的风帆游艇倾覆时,他也在艇上。


Jane stuck around waiting for her, and Zack had promised to take them both home, so he was there too.

There was some problem about him getting paid so he stuck around.

They should bloody well have stuck around till we turned up.

I stuck around for another seven years for the children's sake but it was very unsatisfactory.

  • stuck with it
  • stuck in traffic
  • stuck on you
  • stuck to it




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