spoon bread───汤匙面包
to spoon-feed───用勺子喂
spoon breads───汤匙面包
Once you know what they're looking for, spoon feed it to them in just the right way, with all the information and details they need, and a little bit of icing never goes amiss either.───一旦你知道他们在寻找什么,就适时地用他们需要的信息裹上一层糖酥,“喂”他们一勺子,那是肯定没错的。
Why not spoon feed everything to the students?───为什么不用匙子,干脆把所有东西一勺勺都喂到学生嘴里呢?
The rich man's son have is spoon feed his entire life.───那个富人的儿子一生中都被溺爱。
I recommend that you give her finger or fist foods that she can feed herself, rather than baby food that requires you to spoon feed her.───我建议你给她指头或者拳头大小的食物而不是那些需要你用小勺喂给她的婴儿食品,这样她就可以自己吃了。
Beijing friend if eaten sip spoon-feed sip spoon-feed small chaffy dish, you can taste the new hot POTS, somewhat like the Bali taste.───北京的朋友如果吃过呷哺呷哺小火锅的话,可以尝一下新出的酸辣锅底,有点像巴厘的味道。
We no longer need to spoon feed you . . . with respect to each and every soul that reads of these words we 'represent'.───我们不再需要一汤一勺的喂你们了…带着尊重每个正在此刻阅读由我们“再次”呈现的文字的人们。
Maids at some of the more attentive shops even offer to spoon-feed customers at their table.───还有一些咖啡屋的服务更周到,服务员甚至喂顾客进餐。
As far as I'm concerned, to spoon-feed students is not a good teaching method.───我认为对学生施以填鸭式教育不是一个好的教学方法。
Eventually she would forget how to eat or drink, so others would have to spoon-feed her and hold a cup to her lips.───最终她忘记如何进食及饮水,所以需要别人一勺一勺地喂她,喝水的时候也需要把杯子端到她唇边。
- spoons prices
- spoons metaphor
- spoons story
- spoons for loons
- spoonful of comfort
- spoon sports
- spoon feed
- spoon theory