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词汇 similarities and differences
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significant difference───[分化]显著性差异

complete indifference───完全漠不关心

make a difference───有影响,有关系

make a/no difference───无差别

make no difference───没有影响;不起作用;都一样

split the difference───折中;妥协

statistical difference───统计差异


He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals.───他在研究人和动物之间错综复杂的相似与不同之处。

Table 1 shows some of the similarities and differences in the currently available Bluetooth versions.───表1显示了目前可用的蓝牙版本的一些相似性与区别。

What are the similarities and differences between apples and oranges?───苹果以及桔子有什麽相同?有什麽差别?

Information transfer mode of the similarities and differences, will bring unexpected changes.───信息传递方式的异同, 将会带来意想不到的变化.

Point out similarities and differences within the group.───指出东西之间的相似与不同。

And they may fail to see or hear similarities and differences in letters and words.───他们也无法看到或是听出字母和词语的相似和不同之处.

There will be similarities and differences between their reflections.───当中有一些相似之处,也有很多不同的地方.

What are the similarities and differences between with or without your claim?───它们的共同性和差异性在那里?

Connections, similarities and differences among the various texts.───找出不同阅读材料之间的联系, 相似点与不同点.

And they may fail to see or hear similarities and differences in letter and words.───并且,他们可能无法区分字母和词汇的相似和差异之处.

Write their similarities and differences in the chart below.───在下面的表格里写下它们的相同点和不同点.

The similarities and differences between YR in MG and SH in H ! M ?───参演 过的几部戏里,你觉得你扮演的角色的相似和不同之处是 什么 ?

There are the similarities and differences between the community library the public library the information service.───社区图书馆的信息服务与一般公共图书馆相比较既有区别也有共同之处.

This paper expounds their similarities and differences through an incisive analysis.───本文力图通过评述,以辨清他们之间的异同.

There are both similarities and differences between its symptom feature and the dependence on medicine.───其症状学特征同药物性依赖既有相同之处又有所区别.

Similarities and differences between machining ce nter and robot are discussed.───讨论了加工中心和机器人的功能和结构的同异.

Describe the similarities and differences and fill in the chart below.───描述一下他们的共同点及不同点,并填入下列表中.

Comparing water with air, what's the similarities and differences between them?───水和空气相比, 有什么相同和不同?


The similarities and differences on syntactic structure is the reason of the similarities and differences on syntactic function and semantic relation feature.

He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals.

Comparison is made on the similarities and differences between hard news and columns in terms of the metafunctions and register.

This will provide opportunity to notice similarities and differences.

Boston; and Austin, Texas-to highlight the similarities and differences between their approaches.

This paper compares the similarities and differences of the semantic knowledge representation among the three methods.

Kraut's study looked at the similarities and differences among managerial jobs.

There are similarities and differences between traditional china's relative ethics legislation of "obviation of family circle" and modern Western countries' relative right legislation.

Comparative politics focuses on similarities and differences in political processes and structures.

  • similarities and differences




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