stake body───桩身
snowflake baby───雪花宝宝
shake hands───握手
blue baby───发绀婴儿;青紫婴儿
brake band───制动闸;制动带;刹车带;[车辆]制动器带
choke back───抑制
crack baby───n.可卡因成瘾的婴儿
No matter how frustrated you get, NEVER, EVER shake a crying baby-just a few seconds of jostling can cause serious brain damage.───无论你多么的气馁,千万千万不要晃动正在啼哭的宝宝,因为仅仅几秒时间的震动也可能损伤她的大脑。
It giggles and wiggles its feet when you shake its rattle, but will get cranky and cry from too much tickling: Meet Yotaro, a Japanese robot programmed to be as fickle as a real baby.───当你摇动它身体上的拨浪鼓时,它会扭动小脚丫,发出咯咯的笑声,但如果不停地挠它痒痒,它就会发脾气哭闹——这就是“阳太郎”,日本发明的一款会像真正的婴儿那样喜怒无常的机器人。
For example, a meal of six baby carrots and a Turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread with mustard and dark green lettuce is just as healthy as a 220-calorie meal replacement shake.───比如说,一份220卡的替餐奶昔,其营养价值跟一顿饭吃6个小胡萝卜加一个放了芥菜和生菜的全麦火鸡三明治是一样的。
- shakespeare insults
- shake me
- shake if off
- shake shock
- shake out
- shake hands with
- shakespeare sonnets
- shake my foot
- shake your head
- shake a leg
- shake baby
- shakespeare in love
- shakeyour hands
- shake her body
- shake a body
- shake smap