keep at───坚持,坚持做下去;纠缠
see fit───认为合适,觉得…是适宜的
see out───完成,贯彻
get at───理解;意指;贿赂;到达;着手处理
see about───考虑,查询;注意,处理;料理
see after───照顾,照应
see of───见
you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall.───你往下走,最终会突然发现那个隐秘的瀑布。
He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting.───他到纳塔尔亲自察看最近的激战所造成的影响。
Owls can see at night.───猫头鹰晚上能看得见东西。
Despite these efforts, most states will see at least some cuts, adding up to billions of dollars around the country.───尽管人们做出了这些努力,但大多数州将会至少减少一些经费,从全国看总计为几十亿美元。
By looking at this leaflet, you can see at a glance how much a loan will cost.───看看这份宣传小册子,一眼就能看到贷款需付费多少。
I could not see at all and I did not know if anyone was around me.───我根本看不见也不知道是否有人在我周围。
Sign up for a free account, and you can develop and publish your application for the world to see, at no charge and with no obligation.───注册一个免费帐户,您可以开发和雄布您的应用步骤让全世界都瞧到,不与任何权利。
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: We finally come back to the front door of the house. Yet there is still much to see at the Biltmore estate.───我们终于回到了家门口。然而,仍然有许多看到在比尔特莫尔庄园。
So you can see at a glance if anyone has invented them yet, allowing you to gauge how much of a priority you can give these technologies.───所以你可以看一看是否有人曾经发明了他们,这可以让你评估一下你给予这些技术的研究的优先权是多少。
Unless I see at least a hint of contour, I assume a crotch has been padded.
He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting.
Many of the cars you will see at auction are repossessions.
As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall.
The software allows you to see at a glance what fonts you have on the computer.
By looking at this leaflet, you can see at a glance how much a loan will cost.
Who did you see at church?
I could see at once that the lock had been tampered with.
Who did you see at the party?
- see lion
- seer rating
- see notes
- see tree
- seemly defined
- see ya all
- see so real
- see how they
- see you right now
- see the sunshine
- see the sunrise
- see me fly
- seek girl
- seek from
- see boy
- seethe define
- see you cv
- sees w
- see a fish
- see at
- see afilm