safety pins───安全别针
safety chain───保险链;安全链,(油罐车)接地链;安全链备用电路
safety film───[感光]安全胶片;安全软片;不燃性胶片
safety risk───安全风险
safety zone───n.(美)[安全]安全地带(等于safetyisland)
safety net───安全网;安全保障
Place your drawing over the transfer paper. Put one safety pin through the top of the drawing paper, the transfer paper, and the T-shirt.───把安全别针和绘图纸移走,你就会看到画的轮廓已经在T恤上了。
She pinned the gown at the neck with a safety pin.───她在领子那儿用一枚别针把睡衣别住.
Insert/remove landing gear safety pin.───请插上/取下起落架安全销。
All numbers should be clean and pinned on with a safety pin in each corner.───所有数字必须清楚,在(纸张的)每一个页角用大头针固定好.
Sew the top shut if you want, or just pin it shut with a safety pin.───缝顶端关闭如果你想,或者只是脚它关闭了安全销。
A safety pin has a cover over its point.───安全)别针的顶上有一个盖儿.
She pinned the gown at neck with a safety pin.───她在领子那儿用一根别针把睡衣别住.
Insertremove gear safety pin.───请插上取下起落架安全销.
A safety pin has a metal covering over the pointed end.───安全别针在尖端有一个金属套.
The teen used a safety pin to help him escape.───少年借助安全别针从而使自己逃脱.
Please give me a safety pin.───请给我一个安全别针.
- safety information
- safety zone
- safety training
- safety island
- safety pig
- safety profile
- safety margin
- safety blade
- safety care
- safety word