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词汇 rural development
释义 rural development
rural development发音




rural developments───乡村发展;农村发展

urban development───城市发展;城市开发

urban developments───城市发展;城市开发

;ain development───脑发育;智力发育

early development───[油气]早期开发;早期发育


regional development───[计划]区域开发;区域发展

further development───进一步的发展

career development───职业发展,职业培训


The central plank of the bill was rural development.───这一法案的核心是农村发展。

It began with agriculture and rural development.───而是始于农业及农村发展。

We will deepen rural reform, and increase the vitality of rural development.───深化农村改革,增强农村发展活力。

But in two thousand four the Center for Rural Development had the idea for a bank to help self-employed workers buy their own rickshaws .───不过在二零零四年乡村发展中心有了兴建一所银行的打算,这样可以帮助个体经营者购买他们自己的三轮车。

Nwanze says, the United States -- one of the main donor countries -- is already beginning to shift its focus to rural development.───那万泽说,主要援助国美国已经开始将关注的重点转向农业开发。

Unfortunately for the cause of rural development, higher food prices do not translate seamlessly into higher incomes.───但对于农村发展而言,食品价格的高涨并没有转化为农民较高的收入。

Fiscal policy is an important means of macroeconomics and will become effective instrument of balancing urban and rural development.───财税政策作为国家宏观调控的重要手段,将成为统筹城乡发展的有效工具。

The Bank is working with other donors to support rural development, energy, and telecommunications.───目前,世行正携手其它捐赠方支持农村发展、能源(en)和电信业。

Land as a basic means of production in rural areas plays a vital role in agricultural growth, rural development, farmers' survival.───土地作为农村最基本的生产资料,对农业增长、农村发展、农民生存起着至关重要的作用。


The central plank of the bill was rural development.

They announced the initiation of a rural development programme.

Rural development in the Western Isles periphery depends heavily on finance from the mainland centre.

The party's new platform emphasizes rural development.

With respect to rural development character, population cardinal number is large, the task is very formidable.

Institutions for change Rural development demands institutional pluralism and democratic participation.

Some academics were also speaking optimistically about rural development.

Objective: Funding of rural development programmes, mainly for the poorest Third-World countries.

The complexity of rural development everywhere, whether in the developed or the developing world, is not always realised.

  • rural king guns
  • rural development




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