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词汇 rule out
释义 rule out
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用直线划掉; 宣布…不可能,排除…的可能性



ruled out───排除;取消;划去;反对;阻止

rules out───排除;取消;划去;反对;阻止

bale out───v.用降落伞降落

bulk out───(数据的)输出;使扩大;突出

dole out───少量发放

full out───全力地;最快地

hole out───击球入洞

ride out───安全渡过;经受得住

rode out───安全渡过;经受得住


States again this year does not rule out cut may be synergistic.───不排除年内各国再次协同降息可能.

We can't rule out the possibility of his quitting the new job.───我们无法排除他辞掉新的工作的可能性.

Does not rule out a direct appeal to the Supreme People's Court.───也不排除直接向最高人民法院提起上诉的可能性.

We cannot rule out that possibility.───我们不能排除那种可能性.

The regulations rule out anyone under the age of eighteen.───按规定,18岁以下的人都不能参加.

We had to rule out the possibility of increased supplies.───我们只好排除了增加供应的可能性.

They didn't rule out coalition with the Social Democrats.───他们不排除与社会民主党人结盟的可能性。

He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase.───他拒绝排除增税的可能性。

They rule out the cities, which are thick with monsters.───他们首先排除城市, 因为那里有僵尸聚集.

We cannot rule out the possibility that climate change is not the result of human activities.───我们不能排除这一可能性,那就是气候变化不是人类活动导致的结果。

We must, as I said, take care not to rule in or rule out any one solution.───正如我说过的,我们必须注意不要肯定或否定任何一种解决方案。

In other words, can not rule out the emergence of counterfeit products.───换言之, 不能排除伪劣产品的出现.

The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.───利用显微镜检查组织,以排除或确认癌变。

I want to rule out PID ( pelvic inflammatory disease ) .───我要排除盆腔炎症 疾患.

Rule out neatly any words which you don't wish the examiner to read.───把你不想让主考人看的词句整整齐齐地划掉.

They appear to rule out some of the ideas that have been mentioned — banding the tax so higher earners would pay more.───他们看来要剔除其中提到的一些想法——如把税率分档,使收入越高,缴得越多。

Ornithologists said it was too early too rule out feathered friends.───鸟类学家则说,现在排除鸟类还为时尚早.

We can rule out interstellar rockets, because they are far too slow.───我们可以把星际火箭除去, 因为它们太慢了.

  • ruled paper
  • rule the roost
  • ruled writing paper
  • rule against
  • rule the pool
  • rule out




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