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词汇 rolling back
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calling back───vi.回电;收回

falling back───可放下的

holding back───隐瞒;退缩;抑制;阻止

pulling back───拉回;撤回;拉为平手;反悔

rowing back───向后划船

doubling back───[涂料]双层油漆

rolling stock───全部车辆

coming back───回去

forcing back───抑制


Antipatterns: Manually rolling back application and database changes.───反模式:手动回滚应用程序和数据库更改。

biggest gripes are always around rolling back complex batch operations.───最大的苦恼往往是关于回滚复杂的批处理操作。

Rain gathered in a lotus leaf, like Yinzhu rolling back and forth in the above.───雨水聚集在荷叶上,像银珠在上面来回滚动。

As a toddler in a cot, she watched her father at night injecting himself with heroin, his eyes rolling back in his head.───当她还是一个刚学会走路的孩子的时候,她就看到她的父亲在晚上自己注射海洛因,他的双眼因为毒品的刺激而翻白。

Instead, Israel's army went rolling back into the territory from which it had forcibly evicted Israel's settlers less than a year ago.───取而代之的是,以色列军队杀回了,他们在不到一年前强行撤出犹太定居者的巴勒斯坦领土。

The client-layer methods are the only methods that are responsible for starting, committing, and rolling back the transaction.───客户端层方法是惟一负责开始、提交和回滚事务的方法。

A transaction lock conflict could either lead to rolling back a transaction (sqlcode -911), or to waiting indefinitely for the lock.───事务锁冲突可以导致事务回滚(sqlcode-911),或者导致不确定地等待锁。

Rolling back enables you to return your environment to a stable state in your migration, minimizing downtime.───回滚允许您将环境还原到迁移中的某个稳定状态,从而可最小化停机时间。

Rolling back the entire cell to an earlier version involves running a JACL script and performing some restores of your node configurations.───在将整个计算单元回滚到以前的版本时,需要运行JACL脚本并还原部分节点配置。


He says he will pay for that by rolling back tax cuts on Americans making more than $250,000 a year.

But the option of rolling back is one of the best tactics to keep in a hip pocket.

Non - Qualified transactions are rolling back. Estimated rollback completion: % d %%.

Based on the idea of time redundancy, it helps the system recover from failures through rolling back to some consistent global state saved in checkpoints.

The 2010 Republican agenda, "A Pledge to America, " proposed rolling back discretionary spending to 2008 levels, with exceptions for seniors and the military.

It comes at a time when the Reagan administration is rolling back the controls established by successive governments in the 1970s.

He defied reporters to point out an instance of where Republican-led initiatives succeeded in rolling back environmental laws.

The furniture dealer is rolling back the prices on all beds for this week only.

With a heave the car surged forward, Firebug rolling back into the seat.

  • rolling star
  • rolling pin
  • rolling key
  • rolling in
  • rolling in the deep
  • rolling waves
  • rolling shutter




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