rob a bank───抢劫银行
join a band───加入乐队
rubbing along───勉强相处
run on a bank───银行挤兑
cobbing loaf───鹅卵石面包
dobbing in───多臂进入
dobbing on───多臂启动
failing bank───破产银行
foreign bank───[金融]外国银行;外地银行
You may argue that handling the ball and taking steroids have no more in common than stealing a chocolate bar and robbing a bank.───你也许会说手球和吃药都比不上从酒吧偷巧克力或者抢银行。
John would not return to the village because he went into hiding after robbing a bank. This is between you and me.───约翰不会回村里,他在外面抢了银行,然后躲起来了。你要保守秘密啊。
And then she really started scolding him: you'd have thought she was accusing him of robbing a bank.───然后,她才真正开始骂他:你还以为她是指责他抢劫银行。
Compared to robbing a bank, the tools necessary to perform an attack on the Internet is fairly cheap.───与抢劫银行相比,用来在Internet上进行攻击的工具是相当廉价的。
Jerry: Sure, it's like robbing a bank: you don't loiter around in front of the teller holding that big bag of money.───杰瑞:是啊。这就像抢银行:你可不会提溜着那一大袋子抢来的钱,在柜员面前晃悠。
They sentenced him to death for robbing a bank of one million pounds.───他们因為他抢劫银行的一百万英镑判处他死刑。
They killed four policemen while robbing a bank.
He was sent down for 20 years for robbing a bank.
But as you keep rapidly writing, you'll start putting down zany ideas that are too crazy to work, like finding a magic lantern , or robbing a bank.
Yet they would no more have dreamt of complaining than of robbing a bank.
- robbing a grave
- robbing a bank