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词汇 river banks
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n.河岸( river bank的名词复数 )



river bank───河岸;河堤




river basins───河流流域

cover bands───带盖

driver ants───司机蚂蚁


By strengthening the river banks, the city secured against floods.───通过加强河堤, 该市可以免遭水灾.

Logging, which deprives river banks of water - absorbing tree cover, was blamed for exacerbating the disaster.───对长江延岸涵养林的滥砍滥伐, 被指责为是使这场灾难恶化的罪魁祸首.

The river banks are a haven for wildlife.───河的两岸是野生动物的自然栖息地。

The river Banks here are overhung with palms.───河的两岸植满低垂的棕榈树。

Water lapped the river banks.───河水轻拍河岸.

River banks often also have clay about one meter or less under the surface.───河床下一米或不到一米的地方也出产黏土.

The floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks.───洪水已把河堤的大部分泥土冲刷掉了.

The river banks were hollowed out by rushing water.───河岸由于流水冲刷而成空洞.

The dogs are running along the river banks.───狗正沿着河岸奔跑.

There are trees all along the river banks.───沿河两岸皆植有树木.

By strengthening the river banks , the city secured itself against flood.───由于加强了河堤, 该城可确保免受水灾.

These flowers generally grow on river banks and near streams.───这些花通常开在河堤上和溪流附近。

High - rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns and bright banners stand out along the river banks.───江岸上彩楼林立,彩灯高悬,旌旗飘摇,呈现出一派喜气洋洋的节日场面.

The water rose until it was on a level with the river banks.───河水上涨至与堤岸相平.

The river banks were overgrown with reed.───河岸长满了芦苇.

Crowds of attractions along the river Banks and the Beautiful legends aBout them captivate tourists.───沿岸名胜古迹众多,传说优美,富有魅力.

Along the river banks stood many trees.───河的两岸有许多树.

Several different species flock to the river banks to sip mineral salts from the sand.───有几个不同的物种聚集到河边啜饮矿物盐的沙子.


Soil on the river banks has washed down.

The river banks were frequently lined with curious onlookers who struggle to eke out an existence in this harsh environment.

The river banks are a haven for wildlife.

It will include development of canal and river banks and extensive landscaping.

The river banks have been built up to prevent flooding.

These river banks have inspired poets for many centuries.

The river banks changed from jagged rock with little vegetation to luscious green slopes covered with olive trees.

Crowds lined the river banks to watch more than twenty water sport enthusiasts brave the six foot tidal wave.

These flowers generally grow on sloping river banks and near streams.

  • river bottom
  • river blindness
  • river thames
  • river themes
  • river flows in you
  • river snail
  • river banks
  • river dolphins




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