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词汇 present day
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present data───展示数据;当前数据

the present day───目前;当代





rest day───[劳经]休息日;禁猎日;安息日

present value───[金融]现值


We have been making cars from the 1940's up to the present day.───我们自一九四零年到现在都在制造汽车.

a study of European drama, from Ibsen to the present day───从易卜生到现代欧洲戏剧的研究

The story became a favorite topic and has been handed down to the present day.───这个故事成为佳话,一直留传至今.

This custom continues down to the present day.───这项习俗一直延续到今天.

It was similar to the present day Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance.───职能类似于现在的农业部和财政部.

Up to the present day no bond exists between the earth and her satellite.───直到现在为止,地球和它的卫星之间还没有建立任何直接联系.

As the present day representative of the entire ancestry, one inherits all karma associated.───就像今天这个时代代表了整个祖先史, 你也遗传了所有的相关业力.

The lecture will trace the depiction of horses from earliest times to the present day.───这个讲座将探究从古至今的画马艺术。

The present day, we'll deny it. The body count, a steady rise.───现在我们都不承认真相, 但这能遏制死亡的数字的不断上升吗?

Actually, it was based more on German than present day English.───实际上, 当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础的,而现代英语不是.

All optical network is the tiptop form of optical fiber communication at the present day.───全光网络是当今光通信的最高形式,它的普及关键在器件.

The reverence continues to be paid to his memory at the present day.───今天提起他来,大家仍有敬意.

Present Day : Linc pitches the idea of raiding the General's limo.───镜头闪回至现在,林肯建议使用这个老办法来突袭“将军 ” 的座驾.

If the spirit of Caesar could be called up by some spell, I wonder what it would think of the present day.───如果凯撒的灵魂可以用符咒召回的话, 我不知道它对当今世界会有什么看法.


By present day standards the prices were, of course, absurd, although the cooking was luxurious and the service impeccable.

All research into present day matters will be by participant-observation while living in a Navarran village throughout the calendar year 1986.

At the present day they have no powers over the infant's land.

In present day conditions, farmers can sell crops such as coffee only if high and constant quality can be guaranteed.

Up to the present day, modern culture has been almost totally Alexandrian.

Present day popular usage is not so precise.

They are ill-adapted, obviously, to the present day: but they survive in isolated areas.

Seize the present day, trusting the morrow as little as may be. 

Yet, the most frequent present day charge against the mainstream media still centers on their liberal bias.

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