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power cables───电力电缆;电源电缆(powercable的复数)

power supplies───[电]电源,电源供给(powersupply的复数形式)

lower courts───地方法院;初级法院

power cable───[电]电力电缆

power cuts───停电;切断电源;动力切断(powercut的复数)

power surges───电涌(powersurge的复数)

power tools───电动工具;有动力的工具;苦读学生


Butt the news cycle is only one reason summer may prove the best time, relatively speaking, for Hollywood power couples to achieve celebrity mitosis.───好莱坞的著名情侣们来说,相对而言,夏季可能是分手的最好季节。不过,新闻周期只是其中一个原因。

Fighting couples don't want an apology, but rather for one partner to relinquish power.───争吵并非为了得到一个道歉,而是需要有一方让步。

painful time. But couples who are locked in Power Struggle don't realize their brain differences can actually be the key to long-term marriage.───痛苦的时候到了。而那些陷入“挣扎抗衡”不可自拔的情侣们却从不曾想过,其实男女思维方式上的差异可能正是婚姻能否持久的关键所在。

A look at some other longtime power couples who decided to part ways - and how they fared afterward.───看看其他一些长期共同生活的名人伴侣在决定分手后的境遇如何。

Although she does not like to discuss it with journalists, Ms Ramos also forms half of one of South Africa's best-known "power couples" .───拉莫斯女士也是南非几对著名“最有权势夫妇”中的一员,但她不喜欢与记者讨论此事。

Schwarzenegger and Shriver had been one of America's premiere power couples.───施瓦辛格和妻子曾是美国最具影响力的夫妻之一。

Power couples let fly with my girlfriend home to have a look, goofy.───大国夫妇让高飞带女朋友回家看看,高飞同意了。

Power couples on the world stage have taken to handholding as a sign of equality and commitment.───世界大舞台上的显贵佳耦们已将握手视为平等、承诺的标记。

So highly educated, double-income power couples have become far more common.───所以都受过高等教育,都拥有收入的强势夫妻变得越来越普遍。

  • power thesaurus
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  • power fabric
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  • powerful mental blocks
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  • powered by motorsport
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