pocket book───小笔记簿
pocket doors───滑门
packet boats───n.客货船;定期客船
pocket door───滑门
pocket boroughs───口袋选区(被一人或一家族所操纵的国会议员选区)
pocket borough───口袋选区(被一人或一家族所操纵的国会议员选区)
cookery books───(英)烹饪书;食谱(等于cookbook)
is the existence of Finnal Goldensword Canon? She's Admiral Proudmoore's half-elf daughter. If so, are there plans to introduce her in the pocket books?───金剑的存在是真的么?他是海军上将普罗德·摩尔的高精女儿。如果是真的,那么有计划在书里介绍她吗?
I sometimes read pocket books.───我有时候阅读口袋书。
That is not a marketing feed, that's consumers voting with their purchases and their pocket books.───这不是市场加工,那是消费者用钱表示的支持。
At my school, students and teachers alike are reaching deep into their pocket books donating funds to the relief programs.───在我的学校(北语),老师和学生都毫不吝啬的从兜里拿出中国花花绿绿的钞票。
Economists said they expected sentiment to improve as cheaper gas prices eased the strains on consumers' pocket books .───经济学家说他们认为在汽油价格方面的下调可以缓解消费者在消费方面的紧张。
The budget buffet attracted customers with immoderate appetites but limited pocket books.───廉价的自助餐吸引了胃口大但囊中羞涩的顾客们。
We do this by offering a balance of premium and value products that appeal to customers'varying appetites and pocket books.───我们这样做通过提供额外费用和产品价值的平衡吸引更多的客户的欲望。
The cyber-espionage will have minimal effect on CD Universe customer's pocket books .───这次网络间谍活动不会对环球影碟公司的客户账户产生大的影响。
But if suitably educated, they tend to vote with their pocket books, reckons Karen Ackerman, the AFL-CIO's political director.───但如果劝说得当,他们还是会把票投给代表自己利益的人,美国劳工联合会政治主管卡伦·阿克曼这样认为。
Ask to see the entire range of photograph albums together with any extras you may require such as pocket books and frames.
- pockets of
- pockets easy life
- pocket door
- pocket knives
- pocket prep
- pocket knife sharpener